Tuesday 8 April 2008

Coffee and Yarn Swap Topic #2

Since some of us is beginning to see glimpse of Spring, while others are still getting snow have you change what projects are working on? Have you put away the hats, scarfs and mittens, and brought out the cute tank top sweater projects and lacy wraps? Have you change yarn to something more lighter and cooler, not so heavy and bulky?

I have been a bit lax in the whole knitting thing recently - bad bad me. I have loads of lovely yarn sent to me through various swaps and it is sitting idle. Partly because I am trying to sort out my spare room to make it into a knitting room and it always takes so much longer to do this type of thing than I had planned. But I am knitting the odd sock and trying to finish off sweaters and other bits and bobs that are scattered over the house.

I have been strangly attracted to lace wraps so looks like I might even embark on one of them soon, when I have time, space, time etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose if you have to do Spring Cleaning, what better room to be working on than a knitting room?

I've been reading "Knitting Rules" and find it interesting how many places people are able to hide their stash in. My stash really isn't big enough yet to need it's own place, but there's still time.

- your spring fling coffee swap pal :)