Tuesday 15 April 2008

Sorting it Out

I have decided to make my spare room into a haven of woolly loveliness but at the moment it is full of tat that I have been collecting over the years for no apparent reason. So I have begun to ebay the tat and it's so tedious wrting up the descriptions but it needs to be done. I have to weigh everything and photograph it too - ggrrhh. Anyway I plan to get all of the yarn up there and patterns and stuff by the end the month. You never know I might even give the room a lick of paint once everything else is sorted.

My ebay plan is to list everything on turbo lister and then dump 10 items on every couple of days. Most things are going on at £0.99 as I am just planning to get rid of them. As long as I don't then spend the cash on more yarn as I have many shelves full of lovely stuff I should be okay.

I did slip a couple of weeks back and ordered this from Jimmy Beans Wool. I got 2 skeins of the Lily Pad, it arrived on Monday and the colours are great. I am really pleased with it but have such a queue of things that I don't know when I'll get time to use it. Curses to Ravelry for giving me so much choice - gggrrrhhh (shakes hands to the sky whilst weeping)

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