Monday, 21 July 2008


I was happily doing some gardening over the wekend and cut down loads of spikey branches and rampant rose bushes without the slightest sign of injury. Then on Saturday night I was tidying up some paper and managed to get a deep paper cut across the side of my left thumb and I couldn't knit all weekend. Everytime I pushed the needle back with my left thumb the cut started bleeding and it was most ouchy :-(

So, no progress on the shrug. And now I have less than a week to get the other side done - I think I might run out of time as I need to block it too. It will get finished though as it is Lauren's birthday present and I know that she'll love it.

The moral of the tale? - DON'T DO HOUSEWORK!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh I hear you, loud and clear.

Hope your finger is feeling better soon.

gemma said...

too true. Birthday knitting comes before cleaning, just ask the Yarn Harlot.