Thursday 19 June 2008

What a mess

Well things have gone a bit weird on the knitting front.

In early June I got a note from my assasin in Sock Wars saying that she wasn't carrying on. She wasn't enjoying the pattern so had decided to drop out. She also said that her assasin had dropped too so I wasn't sure what was going on. Now some of you might know that there were problems with Sock Wars from the start and there have been many grumpy people, but let's face it, it's only a game. Anyway, I emailed the SC to ask what I should do and she eventually replied - I know that she's been having problems so wasn't narky just asking. Last Thursday I got the answer that my assasin's assasin should take over, even though I had forwarded the email saying the my assasin's assasin had flaked. Anyway on Friday those still in get an email saying that the SC was ending the war and that we all had to send a post card and the one drawn from the hat would be the winner. All well and good, but there were still over 300 people battling it out.

After a hectic weekend of to-ing and fro-ing Helen Waites (she who is running the Yarn Smackdowns) stepped up and took over the running of the game and it all seems to be back on track. Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah.

So I have an unknown assasin hopefully knitting a piar of socks for me and I have now managed to kill two others. The first was snoidgirl and the second was with the help of 3 others so yesterday Muskat announced her death. She had already sent her finished socks off to her target so I now await the SIP from Suetigger, hopefully I should get them by the beginnig of the week.

I was at work when I finished Muskat's socks so forgot to take a photo of them but I have a rather scrappy one on my phone so will download that presently.

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