Monday 30 June 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I think that I might have taken on more than I can handle. I am taking part in the Tour de France KAL and the KnitGirls KAL and I am still holding on in Sock Wars and in August the Olympic Yarn Smackdown starts and then in September Hat Attack gears up again.

At least I have my projects sorted for the KALs: for the Tour de France I was going to try a pair of toe-up socks but have decided to settle with I Do - it's a lovely lace shrug and I have never knitted lace before in a proper garment. Also it will be for my friend's birthday at the end of July so I have to finish it before the race finishes too. The KnitGirls KAL will be a top and that's a vintage 1950s bolero - very chic, very sexy and hopefully very quick.

I am going to be sending off my next pair of killer socks tomorrow - I forgot to take her address with me today so my target has another day of grace.

So these are the 3 project that I shall be focussing on - if I have spare time then I shall start on my seemingly never ending list of WIP and see if I can crack on with a couple of them - who knows, I might get lucky :-)

1 comment:

Bron said...

oooh the i do shrug is lovely!!!
I haven't signed up for the TDF KAL, but i definitely plan on watching the tour, and can't wait to see the progress of the KAL participants! =)